Faculty Senate

Senate Constitution
The Faculty Senate is a deliberative body composed of representatives elected from academic departments and at-large. The membership and function of the Faculty Senate are in accordance with its constitution.
The faculty shall have the authority to review, ratify, or reject any action of the Faculty Senate.
Constitution of the Faculty Senate at Jackson State University
Article I
Name and Purpose
- The name of this organization is the Faculty Senate of Jackson State University.
- The purposes of this organization are:
- To provide official representation for all faculty members of the University in matters which affect the general welfare of the University and its educational purposes and effectiveness.
- To consider proposals from students, alumni, teaching faculty, academic departments and administrative units.
- To provide consultative services to the President of the University by considering all matters referred to it by the President of the University.
- To serve as an instrument by which information of university-wide interest and concern may be freely collected, disseminated and discussed by members of the faculty and students.
- To serve as a means of review and recommendation on other actions regarding professional ethics.
- To encourage the intellectual growth and development of faculty members.
- To promote the material well-being of the faculty members and students.
- To improve communications between the faculty and administration.
- To consider all matters of academic policy.
- To consider non-academic matters affecting the professional status and performance of the faculty.
Article II
- The faculty shall be defined as all persons who have attained an academic rank of instructor or above, and such other persons, who by virtue of a special assignments, may be designated as faculty members by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President of the University.
- The Faculty Senate shall consist of a representative from each academic discipline, at-large members, and the immediate past president of the Senate. All university personnel, with faculty status, may be elected to the Faculty Senate in accordance with rules governing the election of members provided that 50% of their responsibilities is teaching.
- Each academic discipline in the University will elect one Senator to represent it in the Faculty Senate. In addition, the Faculty Senate will have three faculty members elected at-large by the general faculty.
- Any member of the faculty shall have the right as an observer to attend all meetings of the Faculty Senate. Upon recognition by the President, or signatures of at least 10% of faculty members or by a simple majority vote of the Senate, any faculty member may have a maximum of seven (7) minutes to address the Senate as defined in Article II, Section A.
- By signed petition of at least 50% + 1 of faculty members, the general faculty shall have the power to rescind any recommendation by the Faculty Senate.
- Any elected senator must have a minimum three (3) years of service at the University.
Article III
Officers of the Senate
- The Faculty Senate shall have the following officers: President of the Senate, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. Other officers may be established as they become necessary.
- Eligibility. Any member of the Faculty Senate, except for the office of the President and Vice President. The President and Vice President of the Faculty Senate must be tenured.
- The terms of office shall be for one year with the privilege of re-election.
- The nomination and election of officers shall take place at the organizational meetings of each succeeding Faculty Senate in April of each year. The newly elected officers shall assume office in May. An ad hoc nominating committee of five members of the Senate shall prepare the slate of candidates in February, present the slate in March and have the election in April.
Article IV
Areas of Faculty and Student Participation
A. Educational and Administrative Policies
Educational and Administrative Policies shall include admission standards, the content of curricula, degree requirements, grading standards, registration procedures, and standards for academic freedom.
B. Economic Issues
Economic Issues are interpreted to mean those issues that are related to the nature and quality of the educational service provided the faculty.
C. Public Issues and the Institution
Public Issues and the Institution are concerned with the involvement of faculty in sharing the institution’s policies on public questions that have a direct and important effect on the institution’s operation.
D. Procedures for Faculty Representation
The faculty shall have a voice in establishing the educational and administrative procedures which represent its interest.
E. Physical Plant Policies
The Physical Plan policies which shall concern the Faculty Senate will be those which affect the performance of the faculty in their duties and the learning process of the students. It shall include the conditions of the buildings, lighting, cooling, heating, cleanliness, the streets and parking.
Article V
Executive Committee
- There shall be an Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate with the following duties:
- To plan the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Senate.
- To direct committees of the Faculty Senate to take action upon matters that the Executive Committee deems necessary, and to direct committees to discharge those matters which the Executive Committee feels necessary for the Faculty Senate to consider.
- To recommend all committee appointments to be made by the Faculty Senate.
- To recommend the formation and/or abolition of committees.
- To appoint a nominating committee each year.
- To supervise all elections involving faculty participation.
- To establish the calendar of regular meetings of the Faculty Senate each year.
- To establish procedures whereby the policy-forming activities of the Faculty Senate and its committees and councils may be expedited.
- To discharge such other duties as may be discharged to it by the Faculty Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Faculty Senate and the immediate past president of the Faculty Senate.
- The President of the Faculty Senate shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee.
Article VI
Operations of the Faculty Senate
- The Executive Committee shall prepare, publish, and distribute the agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Senate at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
- All committees will submit their recommendations to the Executive Committee for inclusion on the agenda.
- The Faculty Senate may, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present and voting, bring a matter up for consideration from the floor of the Senate without previous recommendation of the committee studying the matter or the Executive Committee.
- Policy recommendation shall require a simple majority vote of those present and voting to become the official recommendation of the Faculty Senate when the minutes are approved.
- There shall be one meeting per month; special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or the President of the Senate.
- Robert’s Rules of order shall govern the conduct of all business by the Senate not covered in the Constitution of the Faculty Senate.
- A quorum for a meeting of the Faculty Senate shall consist of 50% + 1 of the membership of the Faculty Senate.
- The President of the Faculty Senate shall have the right to convene meetings of the general faculty
Article VII
The Constitution for the Faculty Senate may be amended by: (1) reading and presenting a written statement of the proposed amendment at a regular meeting of the Faculty Senate, (2) securing approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present at the next regular Faculty Senate meeting, and (3) approval by two thirds (2/3) faculty vote.
Article VIII
This Constitution shall be in effect when approved by a simple majority of the permanent and probationary members of the faculty voting.
- Officers shall be elected at the April meeting of the Faculty Senate, and thereafter, annually in April. Newly elected officers shall assume office immediately.
- When any election results in a tie, there shall be run-off election.
- Order of Business. At the meeting of the Faculty Senate, the order of Business shall be as follows:
- The meeting shall be called to order by the Chairman.
- Minutes of the last meeting shall be read and approved, or amended.
- Unfinished business.
- Report of Special Committees.
- Report of Standing Committees.
- New Business.
- Adjournment.
- The By-Laws may be amended in the same way as the Constitution.