School of Lifelong Learning
College of Education and Human Development
The Professional Interdisciplinary Studies and University Studies programs offer adult learners flexible pathways to degree completion through fully online, hybrid, and face-to-face instruction. Our programs provide opportunities to engage in relevant coursework and training designed to build 21st century professional competencies such as lifelong learning, research skills, strategic problem solving, teamwork, communication, and habits of leadership.
Southwest Mississippi World-Class Teaching Initiative
Jackson State University (JSU) is home to one of six World Class Teaching Programs that support Mississippi teachers as they seek National Board Certification.
What is National Board Certification (NBC)?
NBC proves that teachers possess the skills and knowledge of accomplished teaching as demonstrated by their performance on a two-part assessment. The assessment is based on high standards developed by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The standards-based assessment requires candidates to create a classroom-based portfolio and complete a one-day written assessment.
Benefits of Becoming National Board Certified
- Leadership opportunities while remaining in the classroom
- $6,000 annual bonus for 5 years after certification or renewal
- Professional growth and affirmation
- Promote teaching as a profession
- State license renewal
For an application for National Board Certification, please call 1-800-22-TEACH or apply on-line at
Contact us:
Gloria J. Smith, Project Director
Phone: 601-979-8724
Dimitri Crain
Resource Assistant for Nontraditional Learners
Carolyn Mack
Professional Development Center Director
Stephanie Payne
Basic Skills and Adult Basic Education Instructor
LuFunya Porter, Ph.D.
Coordinator of Continuing Education
(601) 979-2935