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Department of Mathematics & Statistical Sciences
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences prepares students for jobs that require quantitative, analytical, and critical mathematics and statistical skills. We ready our learners for graduate studies and research of international excellence spanning broadly pure mathematics, computational and applied mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education. We foster collaborations with high-tech industries and government agencies with the goal of creating career paths for our students. We strive to showcase the relevance and pervasiveness of mathematics in the modern
economy through regular outreach activities.

Where Success in any Academic and Professional Program Begins

The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences prepares students for jobs that require quantitative, analytical, and critical mathematics and statistical skills. We ready our learners for graduate studies and research of international excellence spanning broadly pure mathematics, computational and applied mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education. We foster collaborations with high-tech industries and government agencies with the goal of creating career paths for our students. We strive to showcase the relevance and pervasiveness of mathematics in the modern economy through regular outreach activities.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences offers the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics (BS), with concentrations in various areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, the Bachelor of Science in Education Degree in Mathematics Education (BSED) with an option for Mississippi Licensure in Algebra/Geometry, and the Bachelor of Science Degree in Statistics (BS). Our graduates pursue advanced studies in mathematics or statistics, seek careers as mathematicians or statisticians in emerging high-tech industries and federal agencies or teach mathematics at the secondary level.


The objectives of the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences for undergraduate training are as follows:

  • To develop the quantitative skills of students who enjoy the enterprise of problem solving, statistical analysis, data visualization and the reward of discovery.
  • To encourage students to pursue advance training in mathematics or statistics commensurate with their goals and talents.
  • To illustrate the role of mathematics and statistics in research, quantitative exploration of data, data analytics and visualization, and related areas of scientific endeavor.
  • To prepare effective teachers of mathematics and competent mathematicians and statisticians for work in business, government, industry, and teaching.
  • To offer courses in mathematics or statistics for students entering the University with mathematics or statistics deficiencies.
  • To offer courses essential for those students pursuing study in major fields other than mathematics or statistics, including those that elect to minor in mathematics or statistics.

The Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education program is a Council for the Accreditation for Educators Preparation (CAEP) nationally recognized program that grants initial certification as a secondary mathematics teacher.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences offers a doctoral degree concentration in computational mathematics and statistical sciences through the College of Science, Engineering and Technology Ph.D. program in Computational Data Enabled Sciences and Engineering (CDSE).

The Department also offers programs leading to the MS degree in Pure or Applied Mathematics for students who seek careers in academia, government, industry, or the business sector, and the MS degree in CDSE. The programs are designed for persons with adequate background in undergraduate statistics, computer science, the computing technologies, and mathematics beyond the calculus sequence.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences is a member of the Mississippi Chapter of the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society. Undergraduate and graduate students, and faculty have membership in the honor society. Society members participate in activities ranging from organizing the Department’s monthly undergraduate seminars to participating and presenting research at the annual meetings of the regional Mathematics Association of America (MAA), and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences is also an institutional member of the AMS. You can find all things exciting about mathematics on the websites of these mathematics organizations.

The Department also runs a Data Visualization Lab called LISA-QED where members from other organizations on campus can acquire help in analyzing data. Many of our faculty members and graduate students are actively involved in several mathematical and statistical organizations such as the MAA, AMS, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and the American Statistical Association (ASA).

The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences aims to equip its graduates with the necessary mathematics and statistical knowledge and skills that prepares them to find solutions to mathematics or statistics problems arising in other academic fields and in areas outside the normal academic setting and to use this knowledge to solve society problems of challenge. The program aims for national and international distinction in preparing mathematics students for a spectrum of careers including academic and nonacademic employment.

Finally, the Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences has a rich history of producing generations of mathematics degree holders. Click on the history link to learn more.

General Requirements


The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences has attracted many external gifts of financial support and competitive grants over the years. It has four standing endowed scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics, mathematics education, and statistics. To apply for scholarships, you must log into the website at JSU Scholarships using your J# and NetID. Students who do not know their NetID must log in to P.A.W.S. and select the option to Activate/Reset NET ID Password (password needs to be at least eight characters with one capital letter and one numeric number)

Apply for Scholarships


The program offers a thorough and in-depth mathematics education that teaches you how to utilize math to solve some of the most challenging issues in the world.

To solve problems and comprehend natural and artificial phenomena, you will learn to collaborate with experts from various fields, such as the physical sciences, engineering, and business. You will get the chance to participate in faculty-mentored research as an undergraduate math student in a variety of topics, such as the best ways for students to study mathematics or purely mathematical issues.



After completing the program, you will understand the basic biological principles, think logically and communicate clearly within the field and to other researchers, become conscious of social problems relevant to life sciences, prepare for careers in the life sciences, teaching, and graduate studies, provide a strong pre-professional foundation for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, optometry, physical therapy, dental hygiene, medical technology, nursing, and medical records administration, and engage in basic and applied research that benefits the local and scientific community, 

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”


Your time will be spent collecting and analyzing data or running experiments on state-of-the-art equipment – not solely sitting at desks. 


Biology majors have a plethora of career options after studying the molecular nature, physiological mechanisms, evolution, and physical structure of life and living organisms:

Accounting Supervisor Accounts Payable Clerk Bookkeeping, Accounting, or Auditing Clerk Teaching Assistant
Tutor Actuary Software Engineer Mathematician
Data Analyst Risk Analyst Senior Software Engineer High School Teacher
Project Manager Application Developer Chief Technology Officer Biostatistician
Data Scientist Financial Engineer Operations Research Analyst Insurance Underwriter


Faculty Research Interests Lies in abstract mathematics, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, classical analysis, data centric mathematics, computational data enabled science and engineering (CDS&E), mathematics education, number theory, operator theory, dynamical systems, approximation theory, functional analysis, topology, and statistics.

Want to learn more? Click below to view our advancements.



The Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences operate four computer laboratories for teaching, research and learning. It also operates a Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis, Quantitative Exploration of data and Visualization (LISA-QED) for research in Computational Data Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E).





Online Learning

Important Links

Pearson MyMathLab

Wolfram Mathematica

Math Alliance

Math Alliance






For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-2161.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



 Ernest E. Just Hall of Science, Rm # 225


(601) 979-2161

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