Research at JSU

Proposal Writing
NIH – Short Guide to the Preparation of NIH Grant Applications
The guide is organized according to the major sections of the PHS-398 Grant Application Instructions. Each section is described, and a checklist is provided detailing what that section should cover. In addition, suggestions are included to enhance an application’s success. The checklists are not exhaustive, but rather are designed to jog the application writer’s memory and ensure completeness. This document in no way obviates the need for an inexperienced applicant to seek further advice from experienced colleagues or from appropriate program personnel at NIH.
NSF Guide for Proposal Writing
Includes suggestions for improving proposals from the staff of the Division of Undergraduate Education at NSF.
The home page of CD Publications includes a number of funding articles with tips for preparing proposals.
A Proposal Writing Short Course
Available from the Foundation Center.
Research Administration
To really succeed in any area of research, you need supporters who believe in you. JSU’s Office of Research and Economic Development is here to help you with securing funding, finding opportunities, and bringing your work to the public.

Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIEED) leverages the best of JSU’s STEM, business, and entrepreneurial capabilities to help solve some of society’s most pressing problems. By pairing our researchers with entrepreneurs, designers, and businesses, we help you bring your inventions to life.